Dig for On-Premises File Shares

Prevent data vulnerabilities in
on-prem shared folders

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Gain visibility into data and permissions across millions of documents shared in SMB, FTP, and NTFS folders

File shares accumulate millions of documents, a fraction of which will contain sensitive data such as trade secrets or employee details. Labeling and naming conventions for these files are often poorly enforced or documented; nested permissions to folders and files can be nearly impossible to untangle. As a result, businesses are unable to answer the key security questions around sensitive data, access, and exfiltration.

Dig scans and classifies the documents in your on-prem file shares. And we give you immediate insight into the topography and governance of your shared folders – so you can improve your security posture before, after, and during your cloud migration.

Contextualize and prioritize data risks hiding in unstructured documents

Dig’s agentless solution scans petabytes of unstructured document data, including image and PDF files, identifies document context (e.g. resumes, contracts), and highlights sensitive data such as trade secrets and PII.

Gain visibility into how sensitive data is stored and shared to improve your security posture

See who has access to records that impact your security and compliance, and optimize permission classes with auto-suggested tags. Understand where versioning, backups, and RMS encryption policies have been enabled at the folder or file level.

Migrate workloads securely with uniform policies across hybrid, cloud, and on-premises environments

Reduce context switching and respond effectively by centralizing all data security monitoring in a single platform. Easily apply custom or built-in policies and classification to hybrid environments.

Map compliance-related data to the relevant framework and identify violations early

Gain immediate insight into the shared files that put
you at risk of compliance violations (e.g. GDPR, SOC 2), and map each document to the specific frameworks that matter to your business.

Security Scenarios

Understand how Dig defuses common data security risks in on-prem shared folders.

A legacy HR system periodically exports CSVs containing employee records into a shared folder


Exposure of employee PII, compliance violation

Dig Solution

Identifies the sensitive data stored in the CSV files, maps permissions, and highlights the relevant compliance frameworks

As part of a digitization project, photocopies of documents containing sensitive customer data are uploaded into a file share


Potential for data exfiltration, compliance violations

Dig Solution

Identifies the sensitive data via OCR, and monitors access to the relevant document or folder

A large group of users in the organization is granted access to a folder containing trade secrets


Leak of sensitive information, insider attacks

Dig Solution

Alerts security teams to the new permissions being granted, and highlights the risky documents that were shared

Security Scenarios Dig Solves for Customers

Understand how Dig defuses common data security risks

Shadow backups on S3

Security Risk

A database containing PII has been replicated to an unencrypted S3 bucket, which isn’t managed by the central engineering organization

Dig Security Solution

Dig automatically discovers the S3 bucket containing the shadow backup; classifies any sensitive data contained in the backup; determines the risk level (compliance violation); and alerts the security team.

Sensitive data on unmanaged data store

Security Risk

To test a new use case, a developer has spun up an EC2 machine, installed a PostgreSQL database on it, and loaded customer data into the database.

Dig Security Solution

Dig identifies any virtual machine that has a database installed on it; scans and classifies the data within the PostgreSQL instance; and alerts the security team that sensitive data is being stored in an unmanaged database.

Data exfiltration

Security Risk

An orphaned snapshot of an unused database,
which has not been accessed for a long time, is now being shared with an unfamiliar account.

Dig Security Solution

Dig identifies the breach in real time and alerts security teams, which can take steps to contain the attacker and prevent further data loss.

How it Works

Dig Protects Your Data Everywhere

On-premises file-shares is just one piece of the puzzle.

Dig Security on AWS

Build your cloud data security with confidence

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Dig Security on Azure

Reduce the risk of Azure migration and adoption

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Dig Security on GCP

Protect your sensitive data in BigQuery and beyond

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Dig Security on Snowflake

Unify data security on the modern data stack

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Dig Security on Microsoft 365

Safeguard sensitive data in OneDrive and SharePoint Online

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Make data security an integral component of your cloud strategy

Schedule today a call with an expert.
We’ll help you understand the current threat landscape, and discuss ways to reduce the risk of a data breach.

Let’s Talk